Engineers Applaud Successful Event on Gauging and Clearance, Highlighting Potential Technological Advances in the Gauging Industry

May 16, 2023

The attendees of the D/Gauge-sponsored Railway Gauging: Present and Future conference have praised organisers and speakers for an insightful discussion on railway perspectives, and technological advancements in gauging calculations.

A recent event sponsored by D/Gauge and hosted by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers brought together a diverse group of engineers, industry experts, and stakeholders to explore the challenges and potential advancements in gauging and clearance in the railway. The event received overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees, who commended the organizers and speakers for delivering an engaging and informative programme.

D/Gauge were proud to sponsor the iMechE seminar: Railway Gauging: Present and Future conference held at Birdcage Walk on 28 March 2023. The event showcased various topics, but it was the varied industry perspectives on gauge clearance and the associated challenges faced by railway companies that drew significant interest and sparked lively discussions among participants. Engineers were particularly intrigued by the insights shared, which shed light on the intricacies of gauge clearance and its impact on the efficiency of railway operations.

Organised by Rebeka Sellick of Cordel, (a scanning partner to D/Gauge) and Rory Dickenson from Network Rail, the event wanted to cover the fundamentals of clearance, whilst exploring the future of gauging. One of the highlights of the event was the discussion on the potential role of technological advancements in data storage and processing, which are poised to revolutionise clearance calculations in the near future. Attendees eagerly discussed the implications of these advancements, with a shared optimism that such developments could potentially lead to reduced industry costs and improved operational timescales.

Celebrating the clearance community

"The event was an excellent platform for engineers and industry professionals to come together and exchange knowledge and ideas," expressed Ryan Wareing, a gauging and vehicle dynamics engineer from D/Gauge. "It was great to catch up with a lot of influential people from within the railway gauging community and to see that there is a clear, collaborative, plan to make the entire compatibility process better for everyone."

The engaging sessions and interactive panels fostered an environment conducive to networking and collaboration. Attendees appreciated the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, enabling the exchange of best practices and the formation of valuable partnerships. D/Gauge Technical Director and keynote speaker David Johnson emphasized his dedication to supporting events that facilitate knowledge sharing and foster collaboration among engineers and industry stakeholders.

David commented: As a speaker, I really enjoyed the engagement with those present; thank you for a stimulating Q&A session, where I think a highlight was clarification of what the freight sector is looking for and which, I hope, can steer the way in which we seek the way forward to quick, increased opportunity for new freight flows that don't break the bank. A great question from GB Railfreight.”

“Hopefully, my passion for Probabilistic Gauging came across. I genuinely feel that the process will provide additional input to the gauging industry so that engineers can 'find' additional space in our legacy network whilst simultaneously reducing the risk of strikes.”

Looking to the future

Event organiser and iMechE member Rebeka Sellick commented: “I would like for us to celebrate the huge improvements being made to Currency, Accuracy and Completeness of gauging at this moment in time – and I hope that we share excitement about what more probabilistic gauging can offer. I want to enable railway engineers and the rail industry to make the most of these advances, so that we can deliver a more sustainable transport system, moving faster towards a net zero world.”

With the event's success, engineers and participants departed with a renewed enthusiasm for the potential improvements that lie ahead in gauge clearance calculations. One delegate shared “It was an excellent and informative day covering the present and future developments for gauging. There are clear improvements in the pipeline - now we need to champion their introduction so that all this good work can be fully deployed and exploited.”

Overall, the event was hailed as a resounding success, leaving attendees inspired and hopeful for the transformative changes on the horizon. The collective knowledge shared and the connections forged during the event are poised to shape the future of gauging and contribute to the advancement of the discipline as a whole. There are talks of hosting a follow-on event in 2025, to continue the meaningful discussion held at the event.

Find out more

To find out more about future gauging events, or request further information on the iMechE gauging seminar, please contact Mandeep Singh, Marketing Manager at +447566793420

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